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Digital Workplace Services

Digital Workplace Services: Support That Can Lead to Sales & Success


The events of 2020 have ushered in a new way of life for many people across the globe. As a means to save money, companies are turning to digital workplace services. But there are many benefits to digital workplace services beyond cost-cutting. This article will tell you what those are. As a result, you and your company might get inspired to alter your operations. Let’s begin by learning what exactly a “digital workplace” is.


What Are Digital Workplace Services?


Digital workplace services combine superb support services with the latest and greatest technology. The services allow a company’s employees to work at home or anywhere else. While doing so, a company’s data is secure. Employees can connect with their peers, prospects, or clients in a seamless manner. And it’s all thanks to technological innovation. Managers have many options for setting up their workers’ digital workplaces. Many executives are raving about the freedom of customizing operations how they’d like. Workers feel satisfied too due to the different support mechanisms that are a click away. 


What Is the Digital Workplace?


Traditional workplaces are disappearing faster than many people realize. So, what’s replacing workplaces of the past? The digital workplace. It is very much like the traditional workplace. But it is a more modern, virtual version. Digital workplaces help employees get tasks done faster and with more security. That’s because digital workplaces feature many electronic tools.

Plus, digital workplaces also feature personalized role-based services.

This refers to data and applications that help workers get their jobs done on devices. Collaboration is a key concept of the digital workplace. That’s because it enables employees to work together from remote locations. This online experience positioned companies to stay in business during the 2020 pandemic.


What Are Workplace Services? 


You might recognize workplace services under a different name. They’re sometimes referred to as soft services or soft support services. Their purpose is to give workers a comfortable, productive environment. This also applies to non-employees and customers. Workplace services focus on three key concepts that fuel production. 1. Physical space and hardware. 2. Technological tools. 3. Organizational resources so that all employees stay on track. The key to building any workplace service is to focus on business goals. Management must decide which physical/digital tools can position a workforce to succeed.


What Does a Digital Workplace Look Like?


As technology evolves, digital workplaces are changing almost as fast. This means that no two digital workplaces look the same. But all digital workplaces should feature the following three holistic factors. 1. Platforms that enable workers to accomplish their tasks. 2. Tools that can help employees do their jobs with speed and accuracy. 3. An environment that people feel comfortable sitting in for hours at a time. All three factors have to get delivered in a coherent manner. They must also focus on worker productivity and support above all else. The modern digital workplace focuses on one unique experience. It’s that of the 21st-century employee. It also focuses on how every employee interacts with both co-workers and customers.


Why Do We Need a Digital Workplace?


Here’s one of the most important reasons why digital workplaces matter. Virtual meetings. The 2020 global pandemic has proven how crucial it is for online meetings to take place. Digital workplaces position employees to hold virtual meetings with ease. Plus, these workplaces do away with so many barriers that can interfere with success. They include time, device, network connections, and location. This leads to workers having a superior work-life balance. Studies have shown that this increases the rapport of employees across industries. A better work-life balance also leads to a long term boost in production. That’s why digital workplaces can make companies more agile in a short amount of time. Here’s what it comes down to. The modern digital workplace can boost any company’s processes and services.


The 14 Business Benefits of New Digital Workplace Services


Your employees will feel amazed when they transition to a digital workplace service. Below are fourteen key benefits that they will notice. Each benefit can do more than increase the production of your workforce. Studies have shown that using digital workplace services make a huge difference. Using these workstations can lead to improved ROI and profits for many businesses. So, let’s find out what having a digital workspace could do for your organization.


Digital Workplace Services Benefit #1: A Workforce Can Access Advanced Technology


This technology will allow them to work at any time and in any location. Plus, it is easy to use. Even most advanced technology instructions get written in plain English. As of 2021, having powerful technologies is more than ever before. But don’t assume your employees will complain about new technologies. Almost all workers get thrilled to operate within digital workplaces. The rest of the benefits in this article will explain why.


Digital Workplace Services Benefit #2: A Workforce Can Boost Business Results With Social Collaboration Tools


These will help your employees find solutions to problems as fast as possible. Each tool has state-of-the-art privacy features. Some of the popular social collaboration tools include team rooms and chat services. But there are many more. Video services and secure file sharing are two other popular social tools.


Digital Workplace Services Benefit #3: A Workforce Can Use New Cloud Workspace Services



Cloud workspace is a valuable resource to analyze critical applications. Not to mention, employees can use their workspaces to secure all data. No matter where they’re located, your company’s data will be in safe hands. These are some of the most secure clouds on the planet. That’s why companies like Dell Technologies, Unisys, and Atos depend on them. They value security protection, both now and in the future.


Digital Workplace Services Benefit #4: Contact-Center Services Have a Positive Impact on Infrastructure


Services like these ensure that everyone stays on the same page. After all, consistent contact leads to great collaboration for all team members. Business studies have found that working from home does not diminish team communication. This is great news for modern executives. After all, their employees began working in remote locations in 2020.


Digital Workplace Services Benefit #5: A Hybrid Cloud Environment Improves the Business Experience



The hybrid cloud ensures that all critical systems stay up and running at all times. What’s another big advantage of the hybrid cloud? Limited technical knowledge and resources can still maintain all operations. This will benefit your workers who do not understand many technical concepts. Plus, there are few risks when it comes to data, cookies, and the security of information. If your employees aren’t familiar with using a cloud, consider training them. More organizations, such as Dell, are turning to the cloud to store information. Contact our firm today if you’d like to learn how to store data on a cloud.



Digital Workplace Services Benefit #6: Workforce Satisfaction Improves



Business study after study has reached the same conclusion. What is it? That employee morale improves thanks to digital workplace services. Think of the advantage this will give your business over rival companies. In fact, businesses with the best digital experiences are better at retaining employees. Employees with digital services perform at a higher level than those without access. This goes to show that digital workplaces are the future of the business world.


Digital Workplace Services Benefit #7: Every Business Department Stays Connected



Studies have proven that digital workplaces keep all departments on the same page. This is due to having easy-to-use communication software. Your IT department can connect with the Head of HR at the speed of light. This setup prevents employees from strolling into their peers’ offices for mindless chit-chat. Instead, workers face an experience where they can focus on their tasks.



Digital Workplace Services Benefit #8: The New Workplace Experience is Seamless



Every tool in a digital workplace service connects to another. This creates a digital ecosystem that saves your employees a lot of time. Each tool knows how to interact with all the other tools. The cohesion will make it easier for your IT team to fix any problems that appear. The key is to train them to pick up on every warning sign. Technology infrastructure often shows subtle signs that problems will soon take place. Your IT team has to interpret that data at the first sign of trouble. They might have to enroll in a course that instructs how to read code. This is a positive experience for more than the short term. It could have long-term positive financial repercussions for your company.


Digital Workplace Services Benefit #9: Automation Boosts Workforce/Business Efficiency



End-to-end automation allows workers to knock out their tasks as fast as possible. This means one thing. The user experience is always both advanced and simple at the same time. In other words, your employees who don’t know much about technologies can do their work. But your IT team, which needs advanced infrastructure, can also knock out tasks. Plus, having advanced technology can give any business a competitive edge. If your company needs digital transformation, contact us today. Sometimes a simple transformation within a company can lead to a better future.



Digital Workplace Services Benefit #10: Support Services Answer People’s Questions Fast



Digital workplaces feature some of the most advanced support services on the globe. Tech issues are going to pop up from time to time. But the support services allow most problems to get solved on an immediate basis. This means your IT department won’t get bogged down with dozens of requests for help. Instead, your tech professionals can read what the system has to say. When you explore some digital workplace services even feature 24/7 digital assistants. These assistants are yet another resource your staff can use to troubleshoot problems. The key is to read about the potential problems before they inflict chaos on your company.



Digital Workplace Services Benefit #11: Employees Can Customize Their Digital Workplace



Digital workplace services give users many customization options. These options range from basic to advanced. This allows employees to get the most out of each of their tools. Most digital workplaces get equipped with unified automation platforms. These allow the technology to learn both what the user prefers and dislikes. This self-learning feature saves time. How so? Employees don’t have to waste time fiddling with the settings for each workplace tool. A unified automation platform can also automate both back-end and front-end processes. 



Digital Workplace Services Benefit #12: Workers Can Discover New Metrics & Insights



Digital workplace tools provide employees with tons of opportunities to gain insights. The insights can be about any data that involves your company. In fact, data has never been easier to access and analyze. Whether you need to see sales metrics or marketing results, the digital tools will help you do so fast. Plus, digital tools can go through a routine transformation of their own. You can update your tools through software updates.



Digital Workplace Services Benefit #13: The New Business Experience Leads to Cost Reduction



These are the two magic words when it comes to most business owners. And digital workplace services can save any organization a lot of money. With seamless technology and support models, your other technology is now obsolete. Employees can get equipped with only what they need for their jobs. This saves companies of any size a lot of money over time. Workers often perform better at their jobs when in front of a digital workstation. Many recent business studies prove this.



Digital Workplace Services Benefit #14: The Workforce Gets Prepared For the Future Digital Case Study



The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call to companies across the world. It has taught us that disaster can strike at any moment. That is a key reason why having a digital workplace service set up is so important. Doing so means that your business gets prepared for almost any type of disaster. Your workers will be able to operate at the best of their abilities while at home. You won’t only have a remote workforce. You will have a remote workforce that’s trained to do their jobs better than they could in an office. 



Digital Workplace Services Can Create New, Long-Lasting Business Solutions for infrastructure Enterprise



What is the end-result of incorporating digital workplace services into a company? Solutions. The services can explore and pave the way for long-term positive results. Those results can apply to all types of businesses. The digital workplace platform will empower your employees to be at their best. But your workers are not the only ones who will benefit. Digital workplace services also help out customers. They take notice fast when a company’s processes improve. That’s why end-to-end workspace transformation is so important. It’s not only for the employees. It’s also for the client’s and customers’ transformation.

Digital workplace services help employees take care of people’s needs without compromising security.

This can have many positive results over time. For example, take workplace mobility. Digital services can automate any device lifecycle process. This means that your workforce will get enabled to do their jobs. The better they are at their jobs, the better your company’s profit margin could be.



Improve the Digital Workplace Services of Your Business Today for A Better Future Accenture



Companies are always searching for new ways of working. This isn’t for fun. It is to discover the best strategies that will boost their workers’ output. Well, having a digital workplace service may be your best bet. Many business experts view managed mobility as the future of the modern workplace. It allows employees to feel right “at home” while delivering winning results every day. The digital workplace may be a life-saver for you and your organization. 

Contact our firm today to help you and your team learn more about digital workplace services.

We have advised Dell, HPE, Accenture, IBM, Microsoft, and many other organizations. Why? So that we can educate them to improve case study, and the digital workplace services that enterprise they sell . We are a leader in the technology field and work with a diverse range of clients. Our firm has helped both startups and corporations put digital services in place. Our own workplace support services are always available by phone or email. We look forward to helping you and your team succeed.