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Scalable Application

Scalable Application: The Basics of Application Scalability



Creating a scalable application is all about growth. In fact, the basis of scalability itself comes down to how team members handle growth. Any successful web application must accommodate it in a seamless, efficient manner. If designers aren’t doing their job with scalability in mind, then major problems can take place. Any scalable application must keep the prospect of an increase in load in mind. That also applies to an increase in users over time. This is no easy task. After all, scalable efforts will fail if end-users get disrupted. Are you ready to learn more about the basics of an application with scalability? Let’s continue.



Why Does Scalability Matter for Web Applications & Development?


In the modern world, all users need to receive data in an instant matter. They don’t have the patience to wait for a web page to load. Or, for an image to upload. This means that application design is crucial. Without proper design, a company can’t handle the increased workload/number of users. Next thing you know, business competitors can get ahead. As you can see, scalability is the backbone of all web applications. Without scalability, an application cannot perform well. That’s why you and your team must do more than recognize what scalability is. You’ve got to go the extra mile and learn the basic design principles and standards. And you must keep them in mind all the way to implementation. The majority of app and web development companies fail due to not having scalability.



Key Performance Concepts To Consider for Scalable Applications 


So, what makes any web application get considered scalable? There are some different concepts to keep in mind. The first involves performance. Developers must realize what saturation point will give each application problem. This relates to the concept of load balancing. Say that your web application has the right amount of load balancing. That means the application can handle a high number of users. You should also keep recoverability in mind. It focuses on how fast a system can restore its original working state. Let’s say your system experiences a failure. It must get back up and running ASAP. A website going down for a brief amount of time can cost a company millions of dollars. That’s why uptime is so important.


Ease of management is another key concept for any application with scalability. It focuses on web processes and applications getting maintained in an easy manner. (And also updating the processes and applications.) High-quality scalable development leads to ease of management. It’s that simple. Scalability also addresses problems related to code maintenance and performance. Say that a company focuses on one single scalable development. This means it can address issues related to performance. Plus, one single code can get organized through an efficient system. 


Creating an application with scalability doesn’t involve a new framework or language. Instead, scalability is a methodology. In other words, it’s a set of principles that companies adopt. There are many factors to keep in mind when building a scalable web application. A company must keep the one single overall experience of users in mind. It should also concentrate on page loading times. Even the time frame it takes for making changes to code is crucial. Plus, the cost related to updating the entire application also matters.




Common Web Application Development Tools (Like Microservices) To Boost Scalability


Businesses depend on tools and processes when creating scalable applications. There are four major tools and processes that any company should focus on. They are cloud storage, load balancing software, microservices, and caching. So, what is cloud storage? It’s when an application’s date gets stored “in the cloud” by way of remote servers. Anyone at any location can access what’s in the cloud through a database. This way, data can get accessed on a 24/7 basis no matter where a developer is. Load balancing software focuses on monitoring web application traffic usage. How does one team do that? Load balancing takes place through a set of servers. The servers ensure that any load can spread across many servers. Why is this one concept so important? Because it prevents a single server from handling a surge of application users.


Micro-services are another key application with a scalability development tool. They do more than help develop decentralized systems. The microservices also create modular designed lightweight protocols. This way, developers can upgrade and maintain a key aspect of an application. And they can do so without affecting the entire application. Caching also functions as a web app development tool. So, why does effective caching inside a web application database matter? There’s not only one advantage. Instead, there are two major advantages related to scalability. The first is that caching reduces the costs of data loading. The second advantage is that caching boosts reusability. Without caching, a developer often has to revert back to the original source, like a database. Through effective caching, a developer can retrieve data in a fast, efficient manner.



How Do I Make Sure an Application Scalability & Performance Are Ready?


There are many actions a software development team can make to ensure apps are scalable. The key is to focus on the programming language that applies to the database. Using the right programming language can save your company both time and money. Effective communication is one more crucial aspect. It applies to almost any application with scalability. After all, micro-services have become very popular in recent years. That’s why any company should ensure its communication channel functions well. Otherwise, important application services cannot operate in a scalable way.



What Is Application Scalability in a Mobile App?


Each scalable mobile application must have superb architecture. The architecture is the basis for organic growth. That growth can lead to a large amount of traffic. Plus, it can impact the number of people within an application user base. Mobile app scalability also focuses on delivering a great user experience. Companies should focus on user experience regardless of how many users they have. Otherwise, they cannot grow the usage rate of any mobile app. It’s also important to ensure your database functions well.



What Is a Scalable Process?


Scalable processes matter. They help application developers manage growth. This way, companies can reach a desired outcome even if growth takes time. Any scalable process functions in the exact same way for each team member. A scalable process never changes when a company hires new team members.



How Do You Create a Highly Scalable System?


There are many steps a company can take to put an advanced, scalable system in place. One key action is to make sure that your design works well, no matter if the scale changes. It’s also best to never use bleeding edge technologies. Web developers should focus on optimizing design. To do so, concentrate on the most important and frequent tasks. Make sure that developers design with horizontal scalability in mind. Each developer should have a lot of knowledge about commodity systems. Plus, they should design with a goal of leveraging the cloud. Whenever possible, it’s best for designers to use caches.



The Challenges of Creating a Scalable Application


There are many factors that can affect how scalable any application is. Here are some examples. Developers have to keep load testing simulations and frameworks in mind. But that’s not all. They must also decide what hardware to rely on and which best practices to use. Then, they have to put those best practices in place during the app design phase. Choosing frameworks is not an easy task. This applies when it comes to creating an application with scalability. Your team must choose the right technology stack to use. A poor technology stack can affect any development team. It can lead to the inability to create a scalable allocation. A designer must know which types of technology boost scalability. And also which technology types limit scalability.


Load testing is another challenge of creating an app that’s scalable. Realistic load testing is crucial for the success of any company. Why? Because it positions developers to simulate each environment. This relates to an environment that users might encounter through your application. Say that realistic simulations do not take place during testing and development. That means your company could miss out on crucial development opportunities. Your goal is to address all issues before the public can access your application.


Choosing the right hardware is very important when it comes to scalability. Companies can save tons of money by buying the right hardware. But they must do so at the beginning of the application development process. If the hardware cannot support scalability, then it is useless. Here are some examples of scalable-ready hardware. Say that it’s difficult to upgrade the RAM of your hardware. That means the hardware does not promote scalability. This concept also applies to hardware factors like disk space and each processor.



The John Adams IT Software Developers Specialize in Creating Scalable Applications


When it comes to creating any application that’s scalable, you can depend on our team. Their scalability performance and system development speaks for itself. They’ve created application after application through a patented system. That’s why they can now help any client set up a new system. No matter the APR or load, their scalable architecture goes the extra mile. That architecture helps us build systems of scalability. They can do so for any application going to the web. You might have heard about our development services. The framework has helped every type of client succeed and solve problems. Our web architecture team has worked with Amazon and its AWS system. We improved the scalability architecture using systems and loads that get results. Now, AWS has some of the best performance in the application industry. 


Do you have an application that needs better scalability and performance? If so, our useful systems will show you the way to success. All you’ve got to do is tell us your scalability or performance problems. Then, our scalability team will get right to work. Rest assured, we only hire the most qualified computer systems experts. They know how crucial it is for users to experience fast load scaling. Even small instances of system downtime can cause huge scalability problems. The last thing a business needs are applications with poor performance. And that’s where our system load experts step in. (And they’re the best scale team in the USA.) They go service by service until a network and scalability solution’s in place. Say that you have many applications that need scalability and boosted performance. We’ll go application by application until your system can handle many users. 


No matter how many problems an application has, we can still increase scalability. Scaling is no easy task for other computer services like DZone. But our scalability experts go the extra mile. They use the best data, architecture, and framework across all applications. This applies to features like network systems and cache scaling. No matter the number of applications you have, we have a database ready. Our database assists with both architecture and performance. Both are crucial when it comes to the scalability of any application. The web scalability of applications has never been this easy. And it’s all thanks to our network of different scaling system applications. We’re considered one of the top scalability performance firms in the country. We ask that you call our phone number now to find out why. Once you tell us your scaling problems, we’ll put in place a number of systems. Each scaling system can boost the performance of your web services. There’s no question that our experts can enhance scalability for any type of application.



There’s No Limit to the Web Application Services We Provide


Our experts can create the architecture for any application that you have. Sure, we specialize in boosting performance. But our team of web scaling server experts can solve any problems. From discovering parallel frameworks to using different scaling architectures. Boosting the system of any application on the web has never been this easy. We’ve impacted many different applications to solve problems. That’s why we’re the number one database application professionals in the US. Speaking of data, your data is always safe with our application developers. We won’t let the data in your database of your applications lose its scale. This applies even if you have different users that make transactions. Your database is in safe hands with our advanced application features. This applies to any load of data in a server or database. We can even scale the data in your database using different features. This way, you don’t have to worry about who accesses a link in your application.


We can even help your company create an application database from scratch. Our team uses a patented pattern of architecture to secure data in a database. This way, every application can load fast without any number of different server errors. No business can afford to risk exposing its data due to poor architecture. That’s why our database team’s number one in the US for protecting data. It’s about more than knowing how to scale different data. No application can have great architecture without a database of protected data. This applies to server load after server load for any application. In theory, protecting data during any scale operation seems simple. But one mistake in the database of an application can have severe consequences. Rest assured, our experts can scale any application with data protection in mind. The data within your database is safe with John Adams IT.

There’s no limit to the different scale and data services that we provide. Sure, we excel at boosting the performance of an application. But we also specialize in other concepts like data load and server scale protection. And we’re not afraid to have our team go application by application for any business. No matter the data in an application, we can still scale a different number of processes. We’ll go one by one until the architecture of your application improves. This way, your server can handle the load of any data that goes through. Please call us now to learn more about our application services. And make sure that you ask about our data (and database) server policies. We’re ready to take the load off your workers while helping to scale any application.



Contact Us for Help Making Your Application More Scalable


John Adams IT is a custom software and web development company. We operate all across the US and employ top-level developers. Our team specialize in many aspects of web and mobile development. If you need advice on scalability, you’re in the right spot. Our application development experts are standing by at all times. They can answer all your questions to help you succeed. You’re welcome to call us right now using the number listed at the bottom of the page. Or, you can email us or send us a message here on this website. We look forward to serving as your go-to resource for application scalability. No matter what problem you’re having with an application, we’ll help you find a solution.

Application Development

Application Development



Application development matters more and more each year. That’s because companies have discovered that leveraging software applications creates IT business growth. That’s why application development is now a crucial component of so many US companies. Sure, application development can improve the UX: end-user experience.


But it can also create new sources of revenue and boost business innovation. This can lead to having the ability to connect with a wide customer base. It’s simple- IT software matters. It’s one of the most important components of any company. Application development and maintenance might seem complicated. But our firm is here to help. The John Adams IT application development processes provide value and stimulate business outcomes. So, what is application development? Let’s find out below.




What Is Application Development?




Do you want to learn about IT application development and maintenance meaning? You might wonder, “what is IT application development and maintenance?” Let’s first go over application development. Application development is the central basis of the software development lifecycle. Here are the steps of the process.

  1.  Planning what the application will do.
  2.  Creating the application.
  3.  Testing the application.
  4.  Deploying a high-quality information system.


In other words, applications development and software development lifecycle are the same. Applications often get developed for automation purposes. Many companies desire to automate their internal business processes. Or, they might want to create a product that assists with common business problems. Plus, some other companies use application development to drive innovation forward.

More and more companies are in need of custom solutions for their business needs. They want to provide cutting edge technologies that benefit both employees and customers. That’s why they seek the development of scalable and secure applications. They also need applications that can get maintained with ease.


The key to software development is to get a product on the market fast. Otherwise, their competitors will beat them to it. This is by no means an easy process. Most talented software developers command large fees. Not to mention, the demand for their work is high. Outsourcing application/software development has become a strategy for most companies. It helps businesses reduce development and production time.




What Is Application Maintenance?




This is a common question our clients ask us. “What is application maintenance?” Well, customer expectations are evolving fast. Customers demand software and applications that are easy to use. This has led to an increase in business vs. business competition. Businesses are having to fight to survive in the current market. And they’re doing so while adjusting to technology advancements. That’s why companies are creating new IT strategies.


Their mission is to maintain a competitive role in the market. Each company must manage and boost their developed IT solutions. Otherwise, a business won’t hold relevance for long. And they won’t see the needs of their application and software users. This is why IT application maintenance and support matters so much.


Let’s discuss application maintenance activities. Many people assume that application maintenance is only about fixing defects. Others believe that it’s about modifying software beyond delivery to correct faults. (Or, to boost the performance of the software.) Instead, IT application maintenance/enhancement is more thorough. The application maintenance process focuses on any task that can improve the software. Identifying areas of application improvement is crucial for a modern business to survive.




What Are the Different Types of Application Development?




There are four main types of application development. These types differ from maintenance development.

  • Desktop application development.
  • Application/software maintenance and support.
  • Mobile application development.
  • Web application development. Application development and deployment processes get based on these four types.



What Is the Role of an Application Developer?



The application developer plays a crucial role in project/technical management teams. The developer ensures that all user needs get met. This takes place through software updates and deployment. Many application developers work with software application teams. They focus on deploying releases for both internal and external clients.



How Can I Be an Application Developer?



Do you want to become a software applications developer? If so, consider the following eight tips.

  1.  Get a solid education. You must earn a diploma in software engineering or a related field. This is the least amount of experience you’ll need to become an application developer.
  2.  Discover a software programming language that you can learn.
  3.  Practice application development on a consistent basis.
  4.  Seek the help and advice of seasoned application/software developers.
  5.  Improve your math skills.
  6.  Try to create software or an application on your own.
  7.  Considering achieving certification as an application developer. 8. Discover application development job opportunities.



What Skills Should a Developer Have?



Here are five important skills that most software/application developers have.

  1.  Advanced mathematics skills.
  2.  The ability to solve problems.
  3.  Experience using software programming languages Like Greenfield. There are different languages to master depending on the specific developer role.
  4.  Superb time management skills. Companies need application developers that are very organized. 5. Attention to detail and accuracy.



The Main Advantages of Application Maintenance & Application Development



High-quality application maintenance and development ensures businesses can manage application portfolios. That’s because custom solutions get provided by developers. Let’s examine the four main benefits of application maintenance and application development.


  1.  More companies need custom application development than ever before. They’re seeking solutions for all sorts of individual business needs. The development solutions should have scalability. They must also have advanced security measures put in place. Plus, an application’s maintenance has to seem simple to take care of cloud migration.
  2.  Many companies recognize that they can boost their application throughput. How so? By taking advantage of application development resources. The resources also help businesses continue to operate and provide value. The key is to leverage proven application deployment techniques. This leads to new IT solutions.
  3.  End-to-end application development services matter. Their engagement models support more than only development. But also deployment, QA/testing, and software/application maintenance. Plus, new IT systems and legacy can get enhanced.
  4.  Development expertise and domain experience also matter. This applies to so many key industry verticals. Media. Marketing. Healthcare. Manufacturing. E-commerce. Financial services. Assured practices must have a high operating quality. That’s because the practices affect many application life cycle models. Support and maintenance help ensure that end-customers get the results that they need.



Tips to Help Ensure Quality Application Development & Maintenance Results



Application development can appear very difficult and time-consuming. But do not despair. Follow the tips below to ensure that your team creates the best application possible. Contact our firm if you have any questions about these application development tips.


Application Development Tip #1: Let a Seasoned Developer (Such As John Adams IT) Help You



Most companies fail to deliver quality applications without third-party help. This is due to the common complications that arise while developing apps. That’s why it’s best to find an outside partner or service. Seeking expert-level help can save your company lots of money. Having the ongoing support of a developer will free up time for your staff to knock out other tasks. In other words, give our team at John Adams IT a call today. We’re ready to help you develop your application right now.



Application Development Tip #2: Provide Application Training to Your Employees



Regardless of who develops your application, your employees must know how to use it. Otherwise, they won’t be able to help out customers when issues or problems take place. But company-wide training should not only take place when the application launches. It must continue to occur whenever there is an application update. This will keep your employees up-to-date on best practices. You don’t want them to appear uneducated when customers ask app-related questions.



Application Development Tip #3: Document Everything During Development



Every relevant detail involving the development of your application should get documented. There are many reasons why this is so important. Here’s one example. Training won’t be able to take place if there isn’t clear documentation about the app. What’s the only way to ensure everyone’s on the same page? It is to have actual pages written/typed about all key aspects of the app. Those pages should get shared with all your employees.



Application Development Tip #4: Focus on the UX: User Experience



Developing a great application involves stepping into the shoes of your prospects/customers. Your team has to go on the app and use it as if they were potential customers. This step is sometimes referred to as “testing for UX.” Testing allows companies to discover new ways to improve user experience. The better the experience, the more people will use your company’s app. Never assume that the user experience won’t change over time. Your team must test it out on a regular basis.



Application Development Tip #5: Follow All Software Application Rules & Regulations



There are many policies and regulations when it comes to maintaining software applications. This is a two-fold process. 1. Your team must keep rules and regulations in mind during the app development process. 2. Your IT team must ensure that the finished app stays up-to-date with rules and regulations. Failure to comply could result in your company getting penalized. Or worse- your application could get removed from online app stores. 



Application Development Tip #6: Focus on Communication During Development



Great communication is important across all sectors of running a company. And application development is no exception. Your development team must know how to communicate in an open manner. Otherwise, the app is going to experience a setback after setback. Likewise, a third-party app developer must also communicate with your IT team on a regular basis.


If this doesn’t happen, the developer might create the type of app that your company isn’t looking for. For example, IMMS conducts regular video calls with each client’s team. This allows everyone to stay on the same page at all times. 



Application Development Tip #7: Ensure That Your Application Can Change Over Time



Both business and technology are changing faster than ever before. What works wonders today might be obsolete tomorrow. That is why your application should not only get designed for the present. It must also have the capability to work in the future. This means your developers should ensure that the app can get re-developed at any moment. Otherwise, six months from now, you could have a worthless app. And that’s the last thing that your company needs.



More Tips: Application Development & Application Maintenance



A superb user experience for end-customers matters. And it can get achieved with the right development and maintenance techniques. All modern apps have gone through significant development and maintenance over the years. Current applications (mobile or web) are more cost-effective than they were. Deploying them can help businesses reach a large market and generate revenue. But here’s the problem. There are millions of applications getting released every day. That’s why developers should consider the following seven tips. Otherwise, their apps and software might fail to live up to end-user expectations.


  1.  Communicate your requirements when it comes to the application that you envision.
  2.  Recognize which services get provided by each application development company. You’ve got to choose a partner that can deliver quality results.
  3.  Check out different development platforms. Select a platform that will meet the needs of your company.
  4.  Embed all key processes. This means focusing on application improvements and iterations. Consider new features to add. Also, get software bugs fixed ASAP.
  5.  Make security and cybersecurity a priority. Do so while developing the application.
  6.  Test and update your application on a consistent basis. This will help ensure that it has great performance and security. Plus, you’ll get on the right track for the application is bug-free. And also don’t lose focus on having a seamless user experience.
  7.  High-quality application companies use advanced development tools. Here are some of the most important. TFS. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). VSTS. Visual Studio. Application development companies also use advanced technologies. Here are some key development technologies. .Net 4.5. jQuery. C#. SQL Server. MVC. VB.Net. MVVM. Each of these technologies will help you develop robust applications.


Contact our firm today to learn more about application development and management services.

QC Testing

Understanding QC Testing


QC testing is a central component of almost every software development process. Development procedures ensure that products are high-quality and ready for market. Three outcomes must take place once a software development process concludes.

  1.  The product must meet the needs of the end-users.
  2.  The product must address every customer requirement.
  3.  The product should help all business goals get achieved.


All three of these factors relate to the concept of quality. No matter the software product, quality matters more than anything else.

Various techniques and methods must get applied to ensure the quality of software. This is where QC and QA testing come into play. Both of which contribute to ensuring that a company’s software delivers results. Are you ready to find out more about QC and QA testing? Let’s continue.



The Basics of QC & QA Testing



The term QA stands for quality assurance. QC is an abbreviation for quality control. Both concepts connect to the notion of quality management. Sometimes QA testing and QC testing go hand-in-hand. But keep in mind that the two concepts have many differences.

The mission of QA testing is to ensure that a requested quality can get achieved. QC testing focuses on enabling the requested quality to come to life. QA prevents software defects. Whereas, QC identifies the specific software defects.



What Is QC Testing?



The QC testing process ensures that any piece of software is high-quality. A software project must meet certain processes, standards, and procedures. Otherwise, a development team cannot produce the required deliverables. (This applies to both internal and external deliverables.) So, what does a QC team do? It identifies software defects once a product gets developed. The recognition of defects takes place before the software gets released. The focus of QC is to both recognize and correct defects within software.



What Is Quality Control Testing 


QA testing focuses on ensuring that any software meets high-quality standards. QA testing helps assure companies that they use the right standards. This also applies to development procedures. The QA testing process also helps ensure that all procedures get executed well.

Your average QA team has two main tasks.

  1.  Improving the development processes of software.
  2.  Improving the testing processes of software.


Both tasks prevent defects from arising when a product goes through development.



What Is Software Testing?


The software testing process is all about verification. Teams must verify the attributes of systems and many usage aspects. Why? To ensure that software operates the way that’s expected. Plus, software testers make sure that a product doesn’t have functions that it was never supposed to have. Software testing is a crucial aspect of QC. Testers use different techniques to detect issues involving the function of the software. Each software tester is on a mission to discover bugs. Plus, later on, the testers have to make sure that each bug got fixed.



What Is the Difference Between QC & QA in Testing?



Try to visualize the following notion about the difference between QC and QA testing. The QA process ensures that an assembly line (when it comes to software development) works. Meanwhile, QC checks out the products that come off of the assembly line. The QC team then verifies that the products meet the specifications of the company. As you can infer, QA and QC are important when it comes to ensuring that a product is successful.


The relationship between QA, QC, and other testing processes has a hierarchy.

QA sits at the very top of the pyramid. Why?

Because the goal of QA is to plan (and put in place) quality process evaluations.

QC is in the middle of the pyramid. That’s because QC is about making QA processes come to life.

This leads to QC testing. It’s how teams gather information about the quality of the software. Next, QC testers and other testers can go over the results of processes put in action. Other testers sit at the bottom of the pyramid.



What Comes First: QA or QC?



Quality control (QC) ensures that organizations discover software defects. The defects can then get corrected before going to market. Quality assurance (QA) is more of a proactive process. QA work begins before work on the deliverable itself starts. This means that QC is much more of a reactive process than QA. QC activity starts whenever a software development team begins a project.



Which Is Best: QA or QC?



QA and QC have equal importance when it comes to the software development process. QA focuses on preventing bugs, issues, and defects that can affect a system. That is why QA is a function of a software company’s management team. Instead of prevention, QC encompasses recognizing the bugs, issues, and defects. Next, the QC team tries to fix them.

That’s why QC is more of a corrective software concept than QA. You need both QA and QC to ensure that you have a successful product. When used together, they help software teams deliver high-quality results to customers.



What Are QA Tools?



Quality assurance (QA) tools are for ISO-compliant/regulated companies. The tools help simplify and boost software quality processes. QA tools can assist companies in managing their quality procedures. All QA tools are digital. The digital tools specialize in streamlining deviations. They also focus on CAPAs. CAPA stands for corrective and preventive actions.



QA Testing vs. QC Testing: A Comparison



Let’s go over ten key differences between QA testing and QC testing.


  1.  QA focuses on preventing defects. QC focuses on recognizing and fixing defects.
  2.  QA has a reputation for serving as a preventive technique. Whereas, QC serves as a corrective technique.
  3.  QA testing defines procedures and standards that relate to customer requirements. QC testing helps ensure that those procedures and standards get followed by developers.
  4.  QA testing focuses on building new or expansive processes. QC testing focuses on improving current or existing processes.
  5.  QA serves as a software management tool. Whereas, QC is a corrective tool for software.
  6.  QA testing is the responsibility of the entire project team. QC testing is the duty of only the actual testing team.
  7.  QA focuses on verification. But the focus of QC is validation.
  8.  QA testing is process-oriented. QC testing is product oriented.
  9.  QA does not involve executing a code or program. Yet, QC testers get involved with executing codes and programs.
  10.  QA testing takes place before Quality Control processes come into play. QC testing only happens once Quality Assurance processes are complete.



QA & QC Tests Improve the Quality of Software Products



Some software developers make one crucial mistake. They choose to not invest enough time in the testing phase. Developers feel that testing increases development time. Sure, that can happen. But it doesn’t take place as often as many companies assume. Software testing can seem like a challenge. But it’s important. Testing helps ensure that products are reliable and meet high-quality standards even if cybersecurity is envolved.


The two most efficient ways to boost quality in a product is to conduct both QA and QC testing. QA testing will verify that processes are getting followed in the correct manner. QC testing can ensure that defined quality standards get exceeded.

This applies to all sorts of software development techniques, methods, and approaches. As a result of testing, businesses end up saving both time and money. Plus, they discover new ways to gain competitive advantages over other companies.

The Best way to forward an old website to new domain

Website Redirects: How to Redirect Old Web Site to New Website & Notify Google Search




Is your company getting acquired or merging with another business? If so, you might need to migrate your website to another website. “How to redirect my old domain to new domain” has become a common search term. Well, when it comes to website migration, you have several options.

But each option is unique and unequal to the others. Let’s go over your three best options for forwarding your site to a new domain. Redirecting old links to a new website isn’t as complicated as many people assume. And doing so will help your website get noticed by Google.



Website Redirect Option #1: Create 301 URL Domain Redirects for Your Site




You can begin this process by setting up 301 redirects that come from each current page. The redirects will go to separate pages on the new website. Doing this is simple. You’ve only got to do a 310 redirect from the old domain to the new one.

Here is an example of how to redirect old links to a new site or new page. Say that this is your old domain or page: http://www.outdated-domain.com/google_nav.htm. You can make this the new domain or page: http://www.better-domain.com/google-search-nav.php.


Individual 301 redirects carry two crucial benefits. They boost both the SEO and customer experience. Through this example, the old website pointed to the outdated NAV page. But now the new website updates the NAV page. This is your best bet for redirecting. After all, you might have searched online for “redirect old links to the new site” help. Well, now you know what to do. And redirecting old links is more simple than you might have thought.



Website Redirect Option #2: Get New URL/Domain Wildcard 301 Redirects



This is your second-best option for forwarding an old website to a new domain for redirects. Begin the new process by setting up a wildcard 301-page redirect. It will redirect all page/site traffic and links. The traffic and links from the old site/page will go to your new homepage for improved redirects.



Website Redirect Option #3: Create a New Domain Registrar Redirect on Your Page





Here is another website redirect option for your own site. In fact, option three is your last resort when it comes to redirecting the domain registrar. And it applies to both 301 and 302-page redirects. You must preserve link juice for new page redirects. Otherwise, you’ll have the same results as you did with your old URL. To do so, you’ll need to use a new permanent 301 redirect on your site. 302 redirects are temporary. That’s why they do not provide the same results as the new 301 redirects.



URL Redirect Testing After Moving the Old URL/Domain Page




The next step is to conduct website redirect testing on your site. Do so by using a redirect tool that can check server headers. This can happen once the redirect gets put in place. Say that you forwarded your old website to the new domain in the correct manner. If so, you’ll see the following message when you look up a URL on the old server.


It will say: SERVER RESPONSE: 301 Moved Permanently. It’s important for you to see this redirecting message. Why? Because it can affect your site in many ways. And if you don’t see it, you might lose out on having ideal SEO link juice. And that can limit your SEO search ranking results on platforms like Google.



Website Redirect Migration & the URL Settings of Google Search Console




Your last step is to communicate with search engines that you have made website changes. Of course, focus on communicating with Google before other search engines. Go to the Google Search Console when redirecting. This used to have the title of Google Webmaster Tools. Locate where it says Change of Address Tool. Keep in mind that this tool does not assist with SSL/HTTPS migrations. It only helps when the domain of a site gets changed.

The purpose of the tool is to inform Google what the current domain is getting changed to. Once this happens, you should create a new Search Console account. That account will apply to your new website domain.



Why Is My Website Redirecting to Another Website?




Sometimes a malicious redirect code gets inserted into websites. The redirect code can go to another website that has nothing to do with yours. Why? There is an intention to redirect the site visitor to another website. Many malicious redirects take place thanks to website attackers.

Their intention is to generate advertising impressions or boost SEO. Quite a few malicious redirections can have severe, damaging effects. Contact our firm for help right now if someone has used a malicious redirect code on your site.



How Do I Permanently Redirect a URL?




Do you need to change a URL for a page so the search engine results adjust? If so, your best bet is to do a server-side 301 redirect. (If you’ve already done this website redirect, do another.) It can ensure that search engines and users get directed to the right page. You might wonder what the 301 status code refers to. It means that a page relocated to a new location on a permanent basis.



How Do I Redirect a Domain?




Here are the key steps to take to redirect your new website domain or subdomain.

1. Go to the Manage Domains page website. The site page should open.

2. Click either the Sub-Domain button or the Add Hosting to a Domain button.

3. Scroll down the page until you can view the Redirect section.

4. Put your information in the fields on the website.

5. Click the button that says Redirect This Domain.

6. The set up is now complete for redirecting the domain of your website.



How Do I Automatically Redirect a Web Page?




Do you need to redirect from the HTML page? If so, use a META Tag. While using it, take advantage of the http equiv attribute. It provides every HTTP header with the content attribute value. Keep in mind that website content value gets measured by seconds. Those seconds refer to redirecting the website page for new content. That website redirect content can boost SEO and Google search results.



Can You Reverse a 301 Redirect?




Yes, anyone revising a website can reverse a 301 redirect. This can happen even though 301 redirects have a reputation for staying permanent. Keep in mind that reversing redirects can seem like a complicated process. The redirect reversal might not turn out the way you have in mind.

You could even make your site redirect problems worse. That’s why it’s best for a firm like John Adams IT to take care of all redirect reversal needs. We can help ensure that each redirect does not create any more website problems.



Our Domain Experts Are Ready to Help You With Your Website Redirect/Migration & SEO




The John Adams IT SEO experts can assist you with all website migration and forwarding needs. Our team has helped countless companies thrive during mergers and acquisitions. We can ensure that your SEO never suffers. Instead, our mission is to boost the SEO of every client.

Do you need advice for your SEO strategy? If so, please give our marketing experts a call today. Also, call us if you need help with website forwarding and migration. Check out our website for more website redirect tips and website migration strategies.


SEO and website redirecting are more related than many people realize. The SEO of any domain can affect search rankings. That’s why your site should get new URL after new URL that focuses on SEO. Our competitors quote SEO page services as separate from website redirection. But our team creates custom SEO packages that feature website redirect services. This way, your company stands the best chance to get noticed by Google and other platforms.

(We double-check each quote to ensure that they keep redirect prices low.)  The years of our focus on our SEO/redirect packages have paid off. We now receive positive comment after comment from clients across the US. They state that their Google SEO ranking has improved.

But what we do for any business is not rocket science. We use webmaster tools that apply to both SEO ranking and redirected content. What’s the end result? Your site can appear across all sorts of search websites.


Here are some of the website redirect related services our firm provides.


  1.  How to redirect online content to your new URL.
  2.  Why Javascript is one of the most important webmaster tools for mobile sites.
  3.  How to create/design a website menu on any type of site. From Wix to a blog: redirecting tips that get results.  
  4.  How to cancel old page website content by using URLs. You don’t want your new page to look like your old page.
  5.  Necessary redirection tips for canonical online hosting and ranking improvement.
  6.  How, years ago, John Mueller played a role in web hosting overview strategies.
  7.  How to use cookies, one by one, on a website to note visitors to your site.
  8.  Why you should encourage your redirect website users to leave comment after comment.
  9.  How redirected websites can boost online search rankings.
  10.  Canonical permalink domain redirecting tips.
  11.  Why Google wants websites to have menu after menu of mobile web hosting URLs.
  12.  How to cancel your current URL or your site and create a new URL.
  13.  Tips for websites to increase SEO rankings that lead to business results. (Redirects are necessary to boost rankings.)
  14.  Why web hosting is easy when your site gets redirected with the best URL page content.15. How to make the crawl on your website stand out.


Please Note that John Adams IT Is a New Go-To Redirect & Domain Solutions Service




Please take a second to note that John Adams IT is #1 in the US when it comes to website redirection. Our team is ready to take your site to new heights. How so? By applying quality website redirects that get results and boost SEO. No matter your domain, our experts can help you transition to a new page. We’ll take the best content on your site and optimize it for SEO.


This way, Google search can display your URL in many search results. This can lead to positive business results that can triple your profits from years ago. That’s how powerful the path of website redirecting is. And our full-scale menu of redirect services can help your site thrive. We’ll convert your old URL into a new URL that can dominate Google and search rankings.


Other firms are soft when it comes to the redirection of websites. Not us. We’re website architects for SEO, website design, and website redirection. Our years and years of experience give us a competitive advantage. We know the ins and outs of web hosting more than any other business. Companies used to think they had another option for website redirect services.


But our experts’ dedication to URL improvement can cancel anyone else’s redirect work. Plus, we work around the clock on website redirection. If you give us a website redirecting project in December, we can knock it out by the end of the year. Improving the domain of the website after the website is, well, our domain. We won’t rest until your new website URLs get the redirect-help that they need.


Please read our other articles:

Greenfield vs Brownfield

IT Consulting

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration Services



Don’t get embarrassed if you’re not familiar with the concept of cloud migration. You will know all there is to know about it after reading this article. Many people work at a business in which a workload already runs in the cloud. But that doesn’t always mean cloud migration is the best route to take.

There are many concepts you should think over when considering doing a migration. This article explores both the pros and cons that come with migration processes. Are you ready to learn? Let’s get started.



What Do Cloud Migration Certification & Services Mean?



Cloud migration is a more simple process than many people realize. It involves moving three factors to the cloud computing environment.


  1.  Applications/apps.
  2.  Data.
  3.  Other tech-related business factors.



There is no single universal cloud migration process or premise. Companies conduct their cloud migrations based on business needs and goals. But there is a common model that a lot of organizations use. It’s when data and applications get transferred from one location to another. This involves the criteria moving from a local data center to a public cloud.


But cloud migration can also refer to data/applications moving from a cloud to another cloud. This concept’s called cloud-to-cloud migration. What’s the third most common form of cloud migration? It’s known as three different terms.


  1.  Reverse cloud migration.
  2.  Cloud EXI.
  3.  Cloud repatriation.



This model involves data or applications moving off a cloud and into a local data center. Cloud migration carries a series of important benefits. (We will get to them in a second.) The main purpose of cloud migration is to host data/applications in the best manner possible. This means organizations have to consider the following three factors. We’ll go into detail later about each premise for cloud performance.


  1.  Cost of the cloud.
  2.  Security of the cloud.
  3.  Application performance of the cloud. 



The 8 Benefits of Professional Cloud Migration Managed Services 



Organizations take part in cloud migration to solve a host of problems. Many of them involve the management of data. Below are the most common problems that migration either prevents or addresses. Keep each in mind so that your organization can discover the best migration solutions.



Benefit #1: Free Professional Cloud Migration Data Tools Help Any Business Scale



Say an application with a lot of data is seeing a constant boost in traffic. This means an organization is having trouble scaling resources to meet consumer demands. Cloud migration will help you scale an app fast. Any high-quality cloud has a reputation for improving professional IT service.


Say that you have an app with poor performance. Many clouds use existing tools to boost the performance of apps. The key is assessing things that make people want your apps. The infrastructure of this process can seem complicated. But never underestimate how apps are a great platform for migration.



Benefit #2: The Cloud Boosts Performances of Managed IT Services



An organization has to cut operating costs while boosting its IT processes. Cloud migration is a popular solution for this common problem. Migrating is a winning business solution. The migration of a cloud can make any IT application run better. The boost in application performance is a premise for more revenue.



Benefit #3: Cloud Data Can Help Get Infrastructure Performance Taken Care Of



A company’s clients are in need of immediate application implementation/deployment. What does this mean? They desire to concentrate on development and get rid of some infrastructure overhead. Successful cloud migration can help you get rid of that unneeded infrastructure fast. Remember- when in doubt, start migrating.



Benefit #4: Migration Can Free Up Time for Any Business Professional



A company’s clients desire to expand their own operations to new locations. But your team fears putting new infrastructure in place is going to be time-consuming. Think of all the time and maintenance that will have to go toward this action. Cloud migration will make significant cuts to both time and maintenance. Not to mention, it will also assist with error control efforts. In fact, you can migrate data faster through error control.



Benefit #5: Cloud Migration Data Storage Tools Assist Workloads



Your team is struggling to adjust to the storage step needed for your organization. This could be due to one of two reasons.


  1.  Cloud storage is expensive.
  2.  Cloud storage is difficult to maintain on a daily basis. That’s why cloud migration is becoming a storage solution for many organizations. So, what’s the final solution? Migrate, migrate, migrate!



Benefit #6: Remote Workloads Can Get Accessed Through Cloud Tools



You would like to improve the data distribution operations of your development team. Cloud migration is perfect for this scenario. Why? Because cloud computing environments have so many advantages. Here is the biggest migrating advantage. Workers in remote locations can access their applications and data at all times.



Benefit #7: Migrate Your Cloud Through Free Recovery Disaster System Tools



Your organization is in need of a disaster recovery system for data. If so, putting it in place could more than double your costs. Think of how expensive entire data centers are to maintain over time. Plus, your organization would need a disaster recovery plan. And many disaster recovery plans are more complex than managers realize. So, why not simplify the process with cloud migration?


Recovery disaster systems on the cloud can get set up very fast. They can migrate before you know it. Plus, they give staff members total control over an organization’s various resources. If you’re looking to migrate the cloud, then migrate it with a first-rate tool. Migrating becomes easier once you have the right performance premise in place.



Benefit #8: The Cloud Has Routine Business Maintenance Services for Migration



An organization needs to track and upgrade its server software. As you can imagine, this process can take many hours. But it is an important process that should not get ignored by any type of company. This is where upgrades, both immediate and periodic, become necessary. Some cloud providers offer to take care of this process on their own. But some of them want nothing to do with it. This leads to cloud migration models offering organizations three important benefits.


  1.  Cloud maintenance that takes place on a regular basis.
  2.  Cloud software updates on a regular basis.
  3.  Plenty of routine cloud database backups.



The 7 Professional Business Risks of Using Cloud Migration Services



You now know the important benefits that you’ll get through cloud migration. But that’s only half the battle. It’s time to examine common potential risks that can occur through migration. This will prevent your organization from making a mistake that costs you money and time.


Keep in mind that the details of your company/ industry determine specific risks. Many of the following migration risks may not apply to you and your workers.


Does an application within your organization store and retrieve sensitive data? If so, it is possible that you cannot store that data in the cloud. The key here is to understand what your company’s compliance requirements are. Doing so will help you figure out if cloud migration is right for your business. You might not need cloud migration if some of the following five factors are at play.


  1.  Your current setup meets all your team’s needs.
  2.  Your new or current setup does not need a great deal of maintenance.
  3.  Your new or current setup does not need a great deal of scaling.
  4.  Your new or current setup does not need a great deal of availability.
  5.  Your clients are happy with your organization’s new or current operations.


If all these factors apply to your company, then you might not need cloud migration.



Risk #1: Legal Performance Obstacles for Migration



Is the technology that your team depends on proprietary? If so, you might not have the legal means to migrate it toward the cloud. Keep this in mind when considering doing the migration. The last thing you want is for your migration tools to serve as a waste of money.



Risk #2: Cloud Performance of Managed IT Services



Using online cloud applications always carries some risks. And they have to do with more than migration. (And the tools of migration.) The main risk is that certain operations will not function like they used to. That’s why you should seek the guidance of IT consultant professionals before doing cloud migration.



Risk #3: Hardware Performance Through Migration



Is your team’s hardware controlled by a separate person or group? If so, your team could lose control over certain operations. More than anything, this concept applies to debugging performance issues.



Risk #4: Shared Resources of the Cloud



Does your organization use tons of shared resources? If so, you’ve got to protect those resources at all costs. Sometimes cloud migration makes sharing them a little complicated. But don’t assume that your migration won’t work for sharing. A third party service can assess your current migration tools. Next, the third party can find new migration solutions. This might mean that your managed IT team needs better tools. Or, they could need new applications like Greenfield or Brown and Microsoft Dynamics AX.



Risk #5: Cloud Architecture Workloads



Sometimes the design of some applications doesn’t correlate to cloud architectures. (This also applies to the architecture of some applications.) What does this mean? Your team should adjust certain applications before they get migrated to the cloud. If you need help, our own managed IT team can assist.



Risk #6: Moving Between Cloud Platforms



It is sometimes difficult to move between cloud platforms. Once again, this is why you should seek the help of an IT professional. (Hint, hint- the managed IT professionals of John Adams IT.)



Risk #7: Business Downtime Due to the Poor Performance of Migration



-Some cloud migration processes carry a risk of downtime. This must get avoided at all costs. Extended periods of downtime can prevent companies from achieving success. The last thing you want to do is lose money during migration.



The 3 Cloud Migration Service Models for Performance 



You might not feel certain about which cloud migration service model to choose. Fear not. There are three standard cloud computing service models to choose from.



Migration Service Model #1: IaaS



IaaS stands for Infrastructure as a Service. It is one of the best tools for migration. These are its four common migration-related programs.


  1. Alibaba Cloud and its services.
  2. AWS by Amazon Web Services.
  3. Google Cloud Platform.
  4. Azure and its free data migrating services.



Migration Service Model #2: PaaS 



PaaS stands for Platform as a Service. It’s another common migration tools solution. These are its four common migration-related programs and services.


  1. 1. Engine Yard. (Many people consider this the cream of the crop of cloud services.)
  2. 2. AWS Elastic Beanstalk by Amazon Web Services. (We’ll discuss Amazon and AWS farther down on this page.)
  3. 3. Google App Engine- which is one of the top-rated Google platforms.
  4. 4. Heroku and its award-winning services.



Migration Service Model #3: SaaS



SaaS stands for Software as a Service. It is the third most-used migration tool or application. These are its four common migration-related programs.


  1.  NetSuite application.
  2.  Google G Suite– another top-rated Google platform.
  3.  Salesforce application.
  4.  Office 365 application.


Are you confused about which cloud migration service model is right for you? The choice can seem overwhelming and difficult. So, let’s assess each model. IaaS functions better for companies that host applications in 3rd party data centers. But instead, they would like to outsource their physical infrastructure.

Why? So their team members can focus on monitoring, deploying, and developing. Monitoring is crucial for both the security and quality of customer infrastructure. Without routine monitoring, your cloud could experience big problems.


Does your cloud migration-needing organization enjoy having portable applications? If so, PaaS might work best for you and your employees. PaaS allows people to drop codes onto its platform. This is so the infrastructure environment receives fast, positive changes. Using a PaaS solution has one huge advantage.


It takes many hours off of a company’s ready to market timings. How is this possible? Because PaaS is pre-loaded with a lot of runtime-ready software. All you have to do is deploy the upper layer of any application. Sometimes this means adjusting the migration application binaries. This is a huge advantage for many top-performing organizations that need migration.


SaaS is not as common as an existing cloud migration model. Why is that? Because it serves as a delivery model for migration. It enables productivity software to get licensed. The licensing’s based on subscription parameters.



The Public, Private, & Hybrid Cloud Migration Certification Types



The cloud migration-selecting process isn’t complete until you choose a certain cloud type. There are three common options to consider for process certification. Also, consider migration certification solutions. These solutions can keep your hardware running well. After all, the maintenance of any computing environment is expensive. And a cloud computing environment is no exception.



Migration Type #1: The Public Cloud



Let’s go over the public cloud migration type. This is when resources get hosted by at least one exclusive cloud provider. Here are five examples.


  • 1. DigitalOcean.
  • 2. AWS by Amazon.
  • 3. Alibaba.
  • 4. GCP.
  • 5. Azure



Migration Type #2: The Private Cloud



Now, let’s go over the private cloud migration type. This is where a team member creates a private cloud for your organization. The private cloud can help almost any type of business succeed. Success often happens through platforms such as VMware’s vCloud and OpenStack. Both platforms have apps that can keep your managed services running well.



Migration Type #3: The Hybrid Cloud



The hybrid cloud migration type has become a popular application. More and more organizations are turning to this cloud migration type. Why? Because it spreads resources across public and private platforms. Your team can then track all forms of connections. Here are the hybrid cloud migration type’s five main advantages.


  •  It often combines the best features of public and private cloud migration types.
  •  It features on-demand reliability that a business will appreciate.
  •  It reduces operations costs over time.
  •  It offers many security features that can help any business.
  •  It has a high level of availability for any business.



Get Help With Your AWS Workloads (Amazon Web Services)



Does your team need help using AWS: Amazon Web Services? If so, John Adams IT’s services are here to help. Our experts can assist you with any migration program. From AWS: Amazon Web Services to Azure or AppDynamics to APM. Even if you’re not in the US, that’s no problem.


We’ve boosted the cloud applications of businesses in Africa, South America, and Asia. Our managed IT services ensure the security of your data. (We won’t even let cookies affect your services or performance.) Our cybersecurity process has certification amongst the most prestigious organizations. We know the ins and outs of every cloud provider like no one else.


That’s why we are #1 when it comes to boosting cloud computing processes. As a professional cloud provider helper, we know what it takes to gain certification. That’s why you should contact our firm today if you’re struggling to reach migration certification. 

Our cloud provider mission exceeds keeping every client in business. It is to extend consistent visibility so that every client can keep thriving. So, even if you need help using a public cloud, let us know. We can assess KPIs faster than any other firm. This process leads to optimizing all relevant cloud data.


Next thing you know, you’ll have the tools and services to succeed. Hey, speaking of AWS: Amazon Web Services. Let us know if your company needs a free trial of AWS. Amazon limits the number of free trials for AWS.


But John Adams IT got our hands on hundreds of them. There are even some free AWS trials in español. Also, tell our team if you need help with the performance of any other Amazon application. Some Amazon applications can seem difficult for even the most intelligent aged IT professionals. But our own team of managed IT professionals can join forces with yours. We know cloud applications, software, and hardware better than our competitors.


And we’re ready to use our scalability processes to help your business gain visibility. We’re the #1 provider for any business with a migrations service. And even if your company doesn’t have that service, we can help. Why? Because we have the tools and processes that companies need to succeed.



Cloud Migration Certification Carries Many Business Performance Rewards



When is the best time to consider putting cloud migration in place at your company? Right now. There are so many benefits that can improve the operating processes of your staff.


Over time, cloud migration can lead to boosts in ROI and profit margins. But do not pick a cloud migration process at random. You should do plenty of research to select a migration that fits your business needs. In fact, feel free to have John Adams IT assist your team with this process.


Our experts can assess your technology and help you set up the perfect migration process. Call us today if you need any type of help with cloud migration like moving it to Amazon. In the meantime, continue to browse our website for game-changing IT content. 



We will soon release more articles on related subjects like these.


  1.  Cloud migration tools.
  2.  Migration security process resources that benefit business infrastructure.
  3.  Cloud migration companies.
  4.  Cloud migration steps.
  5.  Common migration services that benefit infrastructure.
  6.  The migration process.
  7.  Cloud migration AWS and Amazon migration workloads.
  8.  Migration techniques.
  9.  How our firm helped New Relic (software company) turn around its migrating process.
  10.  How John Adams IT benefitted the English government by migrating data.
  11.  The lessons IBM learned in the computer business.
  12.  How AppDynamics improved its existing service with the right migration tools.
  13.  Certification monitoring that ensures businesses stay honest.
  14.  How to become a professional cloud provider.
  15.  What the public should read about cloud security and visibility.
  16.  How a blog inspired APM customers to improve their security process.
  17.  Every step you should take to avoid scalability risks.
  18.  Every step to keep visibility on a big migration process.
  19.  Why organizations have the drive to take risks to improve migration processes.

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX: How to Manage Business & Finance Operations



Is your company considering using Microsoft Dynamics AX? It’s possible it already does and you would like to learn more about it. Either way, this article will help you out. In fact, it could help you out a lot. Why? Because Microsoft Dynamics AX is a complex application. The core of the application features many ERP and CRM apps. These apps can function with on-premise or SaaS capabilities.


This versatility has made Dynamics AX very popular across the world. Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s dive into the interesting world of Microsoft Dynamics AX.



How Can Microsoft Dynamics AX Asset Management With Business/Finance Operations & Sales?



Microsoft Dynamics AX functions as a form of software. It’s classified as business software. It is also an ERP program. ERP stands for enterprise resource management. ERPs assist companies with taking care of back-end operations. These are operations that businesses depend on every single day. Plus, Dynamics AX features Axapta management software.

This is one of the best management software applications on the market. Sure, other companies have a management software app. But Microsoft knocked it out of the park with their in-house management software. Axapta is a great tool featuring out of the box functionality jobs. It helps companies manage data within their departments. Axapta software modules can apply to every necessary business area. This can lead to a boost in customer satisfaction for companies.


One of the great benefits of Dynamics AX software is that it is so flexible. Companies can use the program to assist with many operations. These operations include managing finances and taking care of warehouses. Microsoft also makes it easy to manage retail and e-commerce operations. Once again, this helps customers out. Any customer could receive his or her shipment faster.


Inventory management is also a breeze with Dynamics AX. Business managers can take care of the data associated with product inventory. Microsoft also provides many project management features through AX. These features include a special code for every type of support upgrade.


Not to mention, there are plenty of AX jobs and tools for managing services. Any business manager loves overseeing human resources processes. But did you know Dynamics AX also allows the overseeing of manufacturing processes? Microsoft even makes taking care of distribution processes become painless. Plus, Dynamics AX software helps companies find business intelligence solutions.



Can You Use Microsoft Dynamics AX as a CRM?



Some companies assume that Microsoft Dynamics AX software functions as a CRM. Well, in some ways, it can. But it does not contain all the features that a quality CRM does. (This is evident when you take a glance at the user interface.) But keep in mind that Dynamics AX can assist with many marketing and sales functions. Dynamics AX software is one of the flagship programs in the Microsoft Dynamics suite.

This AX suite features a combination of CRM jobs and ERP software. Microsoft now calls this implementation software its “apps.”  



What Is the Difference in Management Operations Between Microsoft Dynamics AX & Dynamics 365?



This is a common question about Microsoft Dynamics AX software. And the answer sometimes confuses people. That’s because Microsoft’s Dynamics programs underwent a major rebranding in 2016. The company decided to simplify the product line by packaging the software together. In other words, Microsoft placed its ERP jobs and CRM products inside a single product. That’s why the AX product’s now called Dynamics 365.


If your company’s interested in Dynamics SL or Dynamics GP, you can buy them separate from each other. But say your company is in need of Microsoft Dynamics AX. You cannot buy it on its own anymore. Instead, you will have to buy Dynamics 365. Also, a few similar products also went through some rebranding changes. Dynamics CRM is now known as “Dynamics 365 for Sales.” And Dynamics NAV is now called Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Both of which get included when your company purchases Dynamics 365. And it has to buy it to own or apply the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics AX. In fact, your company will receive nine apps when it purchases Microsoft Dynamics 365. Does this information about Microsoft products seem confusing? If so, send our firm a message and we will answer any Microsoft related questions.



The big takeaway here is that Microsoft Dynamics AX software now has a second name. Since 2016, many people refer to it as “Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.” For the purposes of this article, we will continue to call it Microsoft Dynamics AX. But keep aware that some people now call it Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.



What Are the Sales, Finance, & Business Operations Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics AX?



Microsoft Dynamics AX is Microsoft’s most advanced ERP software. Many companies depend on Microsoft software for their financial management needs. The program assists with the following five finance-related factors.

  1.  Budgeting software.
  2.  Financial planning software.
  3.  Software for managing finances.
  4.  Software for managing taxes.
  5.  Accounting software.


But these factors are not all that Dynamics AX focuses on. The Microsoft program features plenty of modules. Here are the eight business sectors of the most important ones.

  1.  Manufacturing management.
  2.  Production management.
  3.  Management of inventory.
  4.  Inventory distribution management.
  5.  Time management.
  6.  Management of expenses.
  7.  Management of projects.
  8.  Human resources management.



Microsoft Dynamics modules also feature many CRM functions. These functions apply to both marketing and sales efforts. Dynamics AX uses advanced business reporting technology within each module. Many users of the Microsoft program rave about analytical technology.

This often applies to Power BI embedding. (And it lives up to its name with so much power.) But it also can apply to advanced analysis capabilities. These capabilities are in real-time and offer multi-dimensional analysis.



Edit Your Operations Through Power BI in Microsoft Dynamics AX



Some technology users might not be familiar with Microsoft Dynamics AX’s Power BI. It is Microsoft’s advanced, state-of-the-art platform for business intelligence. Power BI assists companies with applying their business data the right way. For example, some organizations use Power BI to visualize important information.

Other organizations depend on Microsoft for their AI-enhanced guidance capabilities. The guidance helps business leaders determine the next steps. It also assists in boosting a company’s areas that lack efficiency. These are some of the reasons why so many businesses depend on Microsoft Dynamics.


Microsoft Dynamics AX has way too many benefits for users to pass up. Not to mention, AX features like Power BI sync with many Microsoft applications. This helps a company’s staff stay on the same page at all times. For example- Office 365, SharePoint, and Dynamics CRM data can get shared across a network. This leads to employees centralizing their efforts very fast.

The process ensures that separate departments can communicate with ease. And it’s all thanks to the software power of Microsoft.



Can Your Business Operations Depend on Microsoft Dynamics AX?



Microsoft Dynamics AX works best for medium to large-sized companies. But some small companies also enjoy using it. Since the app is comprehensive, businesses across all industries take advantage of it. Here are the five industries for users that need Dynamics AX the most.

  1.  Manufacturing services.
  2.  Public sector services.
  3.  Retail services.
  4.  Professional services.
  5.  Distribution services. 


More than 20,000 businesses used Microsoft Dynamics AX in 2015. That’s a lot of users! And it’s estimated that the number of users has increased by a lot since then. In fact, studies have shown that more large-sized companies have embraced the program. Why? Microsoft made many efforts to boost scalability to draw in big companies. In fact, Microsoft’s marketing efforts have paid off.

The program is no longer focused in the US. Instead, it has gone worldwide. Users across the globe depend on Dynamics AX. In fact, businesses across 118 countries use Microsoft Dynamics every day.


The average company that uses Microsoft Dynamics AX has a full-time staff. It also has development resources. Many of the resources refer to business analysis and ERP knowledge. ERP is very important for the success of services and operations. Both ERP and business analysis software can find solutions to business problems.

Many of these companies appreciate that Microsoft provides hybrid and on-premise cloud deployments. The number of options allows companies to function in their own unique ways. A lot of organizations choose to begin on-premise and then start using the cloud later on.

That’s because a lot of companies do not want to start out using a SaaS ERP. But Microsoft has services that can benefit those companies. And ERP app software can help businesses featuring any unique service succeed. Microsoft ERP software gives more power to organizations than ever before.



Cloud Adoption of Microsoft Dynamics AX



Companies that use Microsoft Dynamics AX get split down the middle when it comes to one subject. What is the subject? Cloud adoption and acceptance. Keep the next notion in mind. Is your company considering using Microsoft Dynamics for financial management or HR?

If so, Dynamics’ cloud features will work best for your team. Companies in these sectors give many positive reviews about Dynamics AX’s cloud. But if your focus concerns operational markets, the cloud might not work best for your team. That’s why Dynamics AX has many deployment options so request an IT consultation. 



5 Ways Microsoft Dynamics AX Can Help Any Business Grow Their Sales & Finance



Below are the five key ways that Microsoft Dynamics AX boosts business growth and development. Let’s go over each one. Please pay attention to any solution that might assist your business. Microsoft has done a lot in recent years to satisfy customers. Each Dynamics product continues to improve on a consistent basis.



Sales & Finance Benefit #1: Microsoft Dynamics AX Improves Many Finance Operations



Dynamics AX has a reputation for helping companies with the following five key actions.

  1.  Boosting visibility across an entire company.
  2.  Putting better financial controls in place.
  3.  Simplifying the cash flow process.
  4.  Making new forecasting efforts more accurate.
  5.  Maintaining corporate compliance.


All of these are crucial for any accounting project. And that’s why Microsoft accounting software exists. AX is a top-rated accounting software app. Microsoft Dynamics can change how companies view new financial data. And this is crucial for long term success in accounting.

Staying on top of financial data is crucial to the success of any company. In fact, keeping up with all data matters. That’s why Microsoft invented their new Dynamics software.



Sales & Finance Benefit #2: Microsoft Dynamics AX Makes Operations More Productive



Dynamics AX can function as a productivity-booster. This means that it is also a profit margin-booster. How so? The Microsoft program provides plenty of oversight when managing projects. Dynamics AX streamlines many processes that companies use every day. Plus, it can also take care of the following seven actions.

  1.  The improvement of a company’s resource scheduling.
  2.  New automation of the resource scheduling processes.
  3.  Tracking project time.
  4.  Tracking new business expenses of a project.
  5.  Tracking new project invoices and finance documents.
  6.  Overseeing new project budgets.
  7.  Boosting project collaboration between employees.



Sales & Finance Benefit #3: Microsoft Dynamics AX Uses Advanced Reporting Management Tools



Dynamics AX helps workers reduce the time it takes to generate reports for every project. This can lead to an improvement in customer service. But that’s not all. It also has the capacity to derive important information from pieces of data. How does it do so? By using the advanced business intelligence software of Microsoft.


Sales & Finance Benefit #4: Microsoft Dynamics AX Boosts Many Business Operations



There’s no limit to the processes that Dynamics AX uses to assist companies. Many people assume that finding a lasting solution using software is impossible. But then they try out Dynamics AX. The program creates custom operating service procedures. The procedures get to the center of business results fast.


Those results correlate to the key data needs of each company or service.


Say your company has a supply chain and you’re in charge of managing it. You can use Microsoft Dynamics AX to streamline all your logistics. How so? Thanks to the real-time automation (and visibility) that the program provides. Next thing you know, you can connect with clients and suppliers with ease.

Not to mention, data delivery speeds and communication processes both improve. This is one reason why so many new (and old) companies depend on Microsoft.



Sales & Finance Benefit #5: Microsoft Dynamics AX Provides Unique Business Customization Options



You can use Dynamics AX for so many different activities that it’s almost mind-boggling. And it’s all thanks to the data customizing capabilities of the program. No matter your business needs, you can use certain functions to find a solution.

Dynamics AX helps position companies for both present and future service success. They can use Microsoft’s tools to expand operations and innovate in a consistent manner.



Edit the Cloud Operations of Your Business Through Microsoft Dynamics AX



Did you know that Microsoft Dynamics AX is a great solution for businesses that need to manage their cloud? That’s right- Dynamics AX isn’t only about taking care of your finance and sales needs. AX can assist all types of users with new cloud analytics solutions. This feature can help support any type of project or service within a company. As you know the cloud has become the center of online storage support. That’s why John Adams IT is ready to give you a panorama view of AX cloud server features. 


If you’re interested in learning more, give us a call today. Our experts will put your business solutions/needs front and center. We’ll begin by using analytics on each app and service your cloud affects. This will position us for the premise of cloud implementation. We’ll do everything in our power to improve your server through Dynamics AX. And if you need to upgrade your cloud, we can take care of that for you. In fact, we use a program called SQI Solutions.

We combine it with Microsoft Dynamics AX when upgrading the premise of every cloud. Using SQI is necessary for ensuring a cloud server can support the needs of any business. To find out more about the cloud and Dynamics AX, please call us right now. We look forward to putting the right solution front and center at your business.



Microsoft Dynamics AX Can Take Your Business, Sales, & Finance Operations to the Next Level



There are few limits to what Microsoft Dynamics AX can do for your business. Almost any company’s needs can improve thanks to the software’s capabilities. So, what is the end result of using the program? It is the potential for an increase in company ROI and profit margins.

Are you interested in learning more about Microsoft Dynamics AX? If so, please contact our firm today.

Our experts can assess whether the program can help your organization succeed. Also, feel free to continue to browse the John Adams IT website. We plan to release more related articles in the future. Here is the subject matter for some of the upcoming articles.

  1.  What is Microsoft Dynamics AX used for?
  2. Microsoft Dynamics AX tutorial.
  3.  Microsoft Dynamics AX training.
  4. Microsoft Dynamics AX modules.
  5.  Microsoft Dynamics AX review
  6.  Where is Microsoft Dynamics AX available?

Remember- we are more than a full-scale IT firm.

We are a community of analytics minded professionals. Our mission is to educate customers so that they can empower themselves for success.

Greenfield vs Brownfield

Greenfield vs Brownfield: Understanding the Software Development Differences



    Software has become one of the strongest, most dynamic industries in the world. Developers have to use the right methodologies, services, and software tools. Otherwise, projects cannot get developed in the right way. Plus, software developers have to meet and exceed the demands of modern companies. Greenfield and brownfield are two unique software development concepts.


Each one provides a very different approach toward creating cutting-edge software. The key is for developers to understand the differences in service approaches. Some developers prefer greenfield services and others prefer brownfields services. Are you ready to find out why? Let’s get started. We’ll begin by going over the basics of both software construction methods.



How Does a Greenfield Project & Brownfield Project Affect Software Development?



The software industry isn’t the only one that uses greenfield projects/brownfield projects. Many industries besides IT use these two terms. The meaning of the terms is almost always the same. What is a greenfield project? A greenfield project is a new project that starts from scratch. Whereas, a brownfield project has already gotten worked on by people.


A brownfield project now gets handed off to new people who can complete it. Brownfield cloud systems often have problems in which a team of experts must fix each issue. Both greenfield and brownfield services apply to the construction of any software application. In fact, software construction has never been the same since the rise of both methods. 



What Is a Greenfield Product in Software Development?



“Greenfield product” and “greenfield project” almost always refer to the same IT services. Greenfield products are software projects where development begins from scratch. This type of product isn’t as common as it once was. Greenfield software projects are never built from an existing program/service.


Leave that to the brownfield product. All brownfield projects get constructed from a current software program. We’ll get more into greenfield vs brownfield services later on in this article.



What Is the Greenfield Approach of Software Development?



The greenfield approach refers to software development services. That product development creates a system that can adapt to a new environment. In other words, the development process begins with a clean slate. This means that no new services use a legacy code. The greenfield product approach is best for developers who want to start fresh on a project. These developers do not want to deal with dependencies and restrictions.



What Is the Greenfield Code of Software Development?



greenfield code is part of the greenfield software development process. This is when developers begin a brand new project. This sometimes gets referred to as clean slate development. A greenfield code lacks any form of legacy code. This means that developers don’t have to deal with old development. Instead, they start afresh and can work from scratch on the product. Other than business rules, they do not have to adhere to any development restrictions.



What Is a Brownfield Application in Software Development?



brownfield application often refers to one of two key software development concepts.

  1.  A major upgrade of the software application or relevant technology.
  2.  Redeveloping an existing application.


Here is an example. A developer can use brownfield applications to take care of backward compatibility issues. These existing issues can relate to any product. The technology developer can adjust current interfaces, existing file formats, and modules.



What Is Greenfield Software Development?



Greenfield software development is the concept of developing systems for new environments. This means that the development phase of a product begins with a clean slate. Greenfield processes never need any existing legacy codes. The approach ensures that developers can start fresh on their projects. They won’t feel limited by existing restrictions while creating a product.


Pure greenfield projects have become rare in recent years. That’s because developers often have to interact with/update existing code. Or, they might need to enable some integrations. (Security integrators are common.) Here are three examples of greenfield software development processes.


  1.  Creating an app or website from scratch.
  2.  Putting a new data center in place. Data centers are important. They help companies send and receive new information.
  3.  Starting a new riles engine.


Let’s now go over three examples of greenfield software projects.


  1.  Creating a new eCommerce solution for a business that hasn’t had one. (Primavera Ops and other services used to do this. But Primavera no longer gets good reviews.)
  2.  Rewriting an outdated software program using a new language. (No existing code gets used beyond applying business rules.)
  3.  Constructing a new application that executes never-before-seen tasks.



What Are the Advantages of Greenfield Software Development?



There are four major advantages of greenfield software development.


  1.  Greenfield development positions developers to put a technology solution in place. That software infrastructure solution is often state-of-the-art. It is always built from scratch to ensure articles of high-quality infrastructure.
  2.  Greenfield infrastructure development gives software developers a clean slate with data.
  3.  Developers don’t feel obligated to operate within any infrastructure constraints. For example, they don’t have to adhere to existing infrastructure. the system, or data.
  4.  There are no ties to current software when using the greenfield development method. There also aren’t tied to existing business infrastructure processes or preconceived notions.



What Are the Disadvantages of Greenfield Software Development?


There are four major disadvantages of greenfield software development. Let’s go over the data.


  1.  Greenfield development doesn’t provide a clear direction. This leads to a sharp increase in the degree of risk. For example, a company’s security can get affected. This happens when developers do not understand modern cybersecurity infrastructure.
  2.  Every aspect of a new (not existing) system has to get defined. This can make developers have to work many hours.
  3.  There are almost too many development options when it comes to data. This can make developers second-guess which development approach to take.
  4.  It’s sometimes difficult to get everyone involved to make crucial decisions. This can lead to a time extension for many greenfield software projects. Sure, these disadvantages can seem scary. But don’t rule out greenfield processes taking care of the management of your software. It comes down to how you want to go about applying your software management plans.



What Is Brownfield Software Development?



Brownfield software development deals with developing/deploying a software system that is new. But here’s the catch. The brownfield developers conduct deployments with legacy/existing software systems. Brownfield development often takes place when a company wants to improve an application. This compels developers to adjust code that’s already gotten created.


This means that new software architecture has to coexist with current systems. Once this happens, functionalities and capabilities get boosted for a businessFor example, the existing cloud of your own business could get restructured. And the restructuring of the cloud could happen through brownfield. But say management at your business wants to create a new cloud. That means brownfield software manufacturing wouldn’t work as a solution. Instead, a greenfield manufacturing project could create a new cloud.


Let’s go over three examples of common brownfield software development data processes.


  1.  Putting a new management module into a current enterprise system.
  2.  Integrating new features to the software that’s already gone through the development process.
  3.  Boosting the functionality or management of an app by upgrading the code.



Next, let’s discuss three examples of brownfield projects.


  1.  Inserting new management features into software that’s already gotten developed.
  2.  Code-revising that boosts functionality and adjusts application performance with QA testing.
  3.  Codebase updates that boost the management functionality of a program.



What Are the Advantages of Brownfield Software Development?



There are four major advantages of brownfield software development. Let’s now assess each piece of data.

  1.  Developers have a section to start that contains a predetermined direction for a business.
  2.  The developers/management can add improvements to any current technology solution.
  3.  Developers can use defined technology solutions and defined processes to improve a business.
  4.  The developers can reuse existing data codes while inserting new features. The management of these steps might seem complicated. But most companies use tools that make the development processes simple.



What Are the Disadvantages of Brownfield Software Development?


There are four major disadvantages of brownfield software development.


  1.  Software developers must have tons of knowledge about current systems. The knowledge also applies to data and services that will get the new system built.
  2.  Designers might have to spend time re-engineering the portions of current complex environments.
  3.  Developers must have a thorough understanding of the business’ IT technologies. Otherwise, the project could fail for a business once it can land.
  4.  Working with legacy code is a time-consuming process when it comes to development. This can land any company in hot water. How so? By any business dealing with expensive development costs.



Greenfield Project Software Development Summary 



greenfield project refers to developing a new application of software at any business. Developers can select the platform, architectures, and most technologies. This process enables software developers to start from the ground up.

This enables a reduction in reps when it comes to the scoping/discovery process. Developers on behalf of a business can put an agile backlog in place with ease. This leads to the creation of an MVP: minimum viable product. This is a very important facility in technology. The developers then focus on creating new iterations to resolve testing issues. They can then plan for the launch of the software application.



Brownfield Project Software Development Summary 



Most brownfield projects start off with an end-to-end code audit. This is so developers recognize the basis of the application that they’re building. It helps to receive a report from the engineering and QA teams. Next, a vote review takes place. The brownfield developers can then figure out the future path of most projects. They’ll adjust the unfinished software until it is complete. Almost all brownfield projects focus on technologies already in play. Developers adjust the technologies until a required solution gets delivered. Here is an example of any business. They can salvage previous code and start from a certain project checkpoint. They then apply the code into an Agile process. Next thing you know- the incomplete software is now a functioning application.



Greenfield vs Brownfield: Which Is Better for Software Development?



Software is what fuels each service and product. That’s why choosing a software development process is so important. So, let’s get into greenfield vs brownfield. Here is the first notion to keep in mind. Greenfield software development carries risks.

That’s because developers have to start from scratch. This leads to agile approaches often serving as a winning approach. The greenfield approach takes longer than brownfield. This can lead to companies paying more money for greenfield development projects. This is fine if a business has tons of cash. But almost every business, of course, wants to conserve money.


Brownfield projects often have a more stable infrastructure for business processes. This means Brownfield projects do not carry as many risks as greenfield projects. But a lot of brownfield development focuses on understanding current applications. This can sometimes prevent the value from getting delivered fast. Software experts recommend the iterative approach for brownfield projects.


This leads to refining architecture but also speeding up the development process. Plus, product quality can receive improvements.


Here’s what it all comes down to. Neither approach is better or worse than the other. It depends on what a company wants to do. Would it prefer to create a new project from scratch? Or, would it prefer to boost the functional aspects of a current product?


Only you and your staff can choose the right approach. (If you have trouble, check out our firm’s Plan Academy section.) One solution is to combine the two concepts into a “greenfield brownfield” project. Greenfield brownfield development projects have become more common in recent years. A greenfield brownfield project involves developers using some current processes. But they still apply many new processes and codes.



Contact Us Today For More Greenfield vs Brownfield Software Development Information



Do you want to read more articles about software infrastructure and manufacturing? If so, please continue to browse the John Adams IT site. The site features a blog filled with many software development application pieces. And if you have any technology questions- feel free to give us a call. Our mission is to help any business with any technology problem. All we ask in return is that you accept our policy about cookies!

IT Consulting

IT Consulting Services: World-Class IT Technology & Information for All Businesses



Does your business need IT consulting that leads to comprehensive, long-term IT solutions? If so, you’re in the right spot. Welcome to John Adams IT. We have a reputation for providing best-in-class, top-rated IT consulting services. Our experts so for all types of businesses across the United States. We also provide cybersecurity services and solutions. Due to serving as an IT managed service provider, the sky’s the limit when it comes to our complete IT services. Whether you need cybersecurity, networking data, or IT security- we’ve got you covered.


We also provide a strategy for both remote and on-site IT services. Our consulting team is ready to help you with remote monitoring and managing at any moment. Plus, our consulting efforts extend to desktop and server/shared storage support. The John Adams IT team specializes in advanced IT security and cybersecurity services. This is so we can protect any company’s data from all forms of digital threats. And your business can stay 100% protected through our IT consulting programs. Speaking of digital threats, our firm knows how to get rid of all types. That’s why we’re a leader when it comes to digital security and optimization.



The Mission of Our IT Consulting & Business Management Services 



The mission of our consultants is to ensure that every client’s IT infrastructure runs as best it can. That’s why our data consultants provide constant attention to any problem a business has. We’ll monitor your problem and come up with an intelligent solution.


Our very skilled IT consulting staff is available around the clock. We recognize how overwhelming it is to keep up with changing business demands. And it’s also difficult to hold on to IT skilled talent. But that’s why our managed IT services exist. Our independent data consultants will stay on top of your demands. They are more than IT consultants. They are also a team of trusted advisors with IT strategy after strategy. That’s why our services are the #1 alternative to standard in-house IT service delivery. 


Our expert consulting support will position you to not have to focus on your IT problems. This will free up more time in your day to focus on your business tasks. In fact, this leads to the end-result of our IT consulting services: peace of mind. Our consultants will take care of all your tedious IT tasks. From patching to monitoring to managing your entire IT infrastructure. That’s right- our data consultants can even help you manage your IT department. We’ll assist with budgeting, support, purchasing, and implementation. Doing so can ensure 99% uptime.




How Do Business IT Consulting Skills Support Every Project?



IT consultants serve as external analysts. This means that they evaluate an organization’s IT systems. Doing so helps each company meet or exceed every business goal. The main duty of an IT consultant is to analyze and diagnose the IT infrastructure of a business. But that’s not all IT consultants do. They also make the effort to understand every client’s business needs. This positions them to design and put in place a long-term technology solution. Our firm has a reputation for establishing long-term solutions for any technical problem. We’ve provided IT solutions to businesses large and small for over two decades.




What Are IT Consulting Services?



IT consulting services get controlled by expert-level consulting advisors. The advisors examine the existing software solutions of businesses. They observe how each client’s employees use software technologies. But not only software. We also have the skills to examine all other technologies. Next, consultants can recognize problems related to automation and workflows. This leads to the design of an IT strategy and roadmap. Both of which ensure that a business can leverage the best and latest technologies.



This leads to having the skills to put a crucial end-result in place. A company’s software infrastructure gets decluttered. Software decluttering is a powerful concept. When software gets decluttered, companies can conduct all processes faster. IT consulting services are the gateway for businesses to have their technologies improve. And those improvements can achieve management results for many years. Speaking of management…



How Do IT Consulting Firms Work & Boost Business Management?



IT consulting firms assist all sorts of clients. The consultants find long-term solutions to IT problems. The field for IT consulting is as spread out as the Pacific islands. Some businesses only need basic network analytics help. Others need full-scaled managed IT solutions. The majority of consulting firms specialize in a small sector of IT. But that’s not the case with John Adams IT. Our independent consultants go through years of technical training.


This results in them having the ability to solve all IT-related problems. This can also lead to the management of any company having winning solutions. And our firm knows all about management. We are led by a team of entrepreneurs. But not any team. We are a team fueled by IT leadership skills. Our team has worked in management across technology industries for decades. No one understands the pressures of management better than John Adams IT. But we’ve got the skills to teach all forms of management how to thrive. Or IT staff gets trained to learn skill after skill. That’s why our workers have a reputation for having the sharpest IT skills.




Small Business Pricing, Enterprise Level IT Consulting Services & Skills



For 2+ decades, John Adams IT has served as a leader in IT consulting. Our team has provided first-rate managed IT consulting services. But we also excel at dealing with cybersecurity and offering proactive IT support. We don’t only do so for businesses near us in the Los Angeles, CA area. Our consultants help businesses across the entire country.

     IT consulting services provide more value to clients than other firms can offer. In fact, our consultants have helped grow many businesses over the years. We’ve helped them stay up-to-date on new developments in the technology field. That’s why we’re one of the most trusted IT consulting firms in the United States. We’re passionate about providing help and support.

And we can put that help and support in place faster than other companies. Most other firms take months to complete any type of IT project. Not us. Every project that we work on gets completed on an ASAP basis. And this applies to any type of technology project that your company needs.

Our independent IT consulting fees can meet the budget of any business. How we structure our fees is up to every client. That’s because we want to give companies tons of flexibility. We can charge consulting fees on a per day, per consultant basis. But our team also has an alternative option. It’s called fixed-fee IT consulting. This is where a contract only applies to a well-defined technology area of need. For example, a strategic consultant can assist your business with infrastructure refreshment projects. Or, another consultant could step in who specializes in network design.


(Fixed fee IT consulting refers to a defined time frame for a certain amount of work.) No matter what you need, we’ll set up an IT project that gives you the most bang for your buck. Many of our clients opt to go with the fixed priced IT data consulting model. They love that there is always a defined timeframe and price structure. We never allow our clients to risk projects and cost overrun. Instead, we position them to achieve long-lasting IT solutions at the lowest costs.




Why Choose Our IT Consulting Services & Business Management Support?




The reason to go with our firm’s IT consulting services is simple. We’ll help you create and execute a simple and strategic IT roadmap. The roadmap will get filled with priorities associated with your company’s goals. Our independent IT consultants can work one-on-one with your team. In fact, we pride ourselves on our one-on-one consulting.

Private consulting is such an important concept for every type of company. It will position each technology consultant to recognize your goals and business processes. Plus, our consultants will pay close attention to your information systems capabilities. In fact, our consulting services focus on every single capability. Other consultant firms like Dataprise and ScienceSoft receive bad reviews. (So do NTVIA, Gartner, and Republic Insights.

In fact, even Microsoft has trouble doing tech consulting. But that’s okay. Our strategic experts learn how to handle any Microsoft application.) That’s because they don’t take the time to assess a company’s business needs. Once you understand what your business needs, we’ll work around the clock to find solutions. We’ve even done so during the Covid 19 pandemic. Covid disrupted the success of so many businesses. But John Adams IT stood by each client. Our leadership has helped them put winning IT solutions in place. Even during the new Covid crisis. This goes to show that our team is ready to show its skills in any situation.



Our Patented IT Consulting Support Services Benefit Every Business Management Project




Our patented IT consulting process has drawn rave reviews from companies. And they are all across the country. The companies appreciate that our experts listen to their needs. We value active listening because that’s the first step toward planning an IT strategy. All you need to do is tell us what you want to improve through our services.  And each consultant will take care of the rest. It’s as simple as that. We will even assess every piece of technology within your organization. We’ll go technology-by-technology until we understand how your business operates.


Our IT consultants are passionate about delivering high-quality IT services. It’s our strategy for success. They’ll make sure that each of their tactics aligns with your business objectives. Next, the consultants will build tailor-made IT solutions for your enterprise. This leads to first-rate results thanks to patented consulting practices.


We know how much companies want to propel their businesses to the next level. And our IT consulting services are perfect for doing so. We’ve got the leadership and technology it takes to execute any type of roadmap. Our IT solutions benefit more than business applications for companies. They also improve cybersecurity, cloud advancement, and data insights.

(In fact, our consultants specialize in gathering data insights.) We pledge to deliver measurable results that can take your company to new heights. One of our new processes involves optimizing the cloud. We can begin that process by examining your company’s cloud. Next, we’ll make sure your cloud is free from many security threats. Our team can then optimize your cloud so that it can’t experience any risk. On our terms, every project gets completed fast without any type of risk.


Other IT consulting firms choose to go through the motions and pocket as much money as they can. Not us- that’s never our plan. Instead, we choose to raise the bar every year on our full-scale IT consulting services. And that starts by having more technology information than any other firm. Our independent IT consultants are always looking to improve their own processes. That level of dedication to consulting is our secret weapon. We use it to benefit all types of companies through unique application after application. From small, local companies to the biggest companies in the US. Our plan is simple. We want every client to make more money through the improved terms of IT.




Contact Our Business Today for More Information About Our IT Consulting Services



Do you want to learn more information about how IT consulting services can benefit your business? If so, all you need to do is pick up the phone and give John Adams IT a call. Our staff will tell you how our operational efforts can take care of critical business goals. We’ve got the information to help you take care of any tech application. Whether you need support for ongoing maintenance or help with a project. Our consulting experts can also provide guidance for any enterprise system. They can even offer direction for IT investment. Say goodbye to traditional approaches that are limiting your company’s revenue. And say hello to world-class IT planning and consulting that puts businesses first. Each consultant has received decades of IT training. Our IT consultants are standing by. And they’re ready to push your technology infrastructure in the right direction.